Aug 27, 2017Don’t Separate Your Mind And Body When It Comes To HealthWhen you think of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, rage, bipolar disorder, addiction and other mental illnesses...
Dec 12, 2016Give your well-being a gift this holiday seasonYou have a choice this holiday season. You can choose to allow the hustle and bustle, commercialism, stress, and sometimes profound grief...
Nov 15, 2016More to PTSD than a mental conditionBeep! Beep! Beep! BEEP! The nurses were quite used to the incessant beeping. But we weren’t used to it.
Aug 28, 2016Dr. Schulte “On Cupping”Cupping is used to treat a variety of ailments, anything from muscle pain to anxiety to skin rashes.
Jul 14, 2016Grief could strike more than your emotional heart (Featured Post)This is an excerpt from the Article, “Grief could strike more than your emotional heart” by Dr. April L. Schulte-Barclay, in GJ, CO
Dec 13, 2013How to Recover from DepressionAnyone suffering from depression wants to recover and imagine a fulfilling, peaceful and functional life.
Sep 17, 2013Neck pain is neck pain, right?Nearly all of us have experienced that nagging neck pain that keeps us from living our day to our fullest. You know the feeling;
Aug 9, 2012Abundant health given through power of givingI’m sure you have experienced the high that comes from giving; the “natural gladness” that occurs when you give of yourself ...
Jul 26, 2012How You May Use Stress to Your Own Health's AdvantageWe can be grateful for stress. Yes, grateful.